Saturday, December 5, 2009




The meeting of the Hood Canal Improvement Club was called to order at 7:10 p.m. President McArthur led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. We all gathered near the Christmas decorations for a group photo that will be uploaded to the HCIC blog - address to the blog is

The minutes from the November 2009 meeting were approved as presented. The Treasurer’s repot was approved as presented. Gordon Barrett asked if we had enough members for a quorum, and after checking it was determined that we did (need 10 non-board members in good standing for a quorum).

Richard then introduced our guest speaker for the evening, Merridee Anderson from the Area Agency on Aging. Merridee spoke to us about the current open enrollment period for Medicare that is causing much confusion and concern to people affected by the changes. She told the group that she is setting up private appointments for people so that they can have their particular questions answered with as little trouble as possible. She said that Pastor Terry had offered to have appointments available at the NCCU office and will be setting up a time in the near future to assist people with their concerns. Merridee provided materials that may help people understand their best options regarding Medicare, and answered questions from several members. Everyone appreciated having this great resource in Merridee available to our club and community and thanked her for generously sharing her time with us. She can be reached at 360.427.2225 ext 11, or via email at

Richard then explained that due to a family emergency Andrea Close would not be able to be at the meeting to tell us about the volunteer program at Hood Canal School. We will see if she can come to the January meeting.

Old Business:

Richard reported on the progress the Club has made in bringing the HCIC Dalby Road land donation project to a conclusion. He said that a couple of needed changes have been made by NCCU and that Ed Binder has them in his computer, ready to be printed out so that we can sign the documents and take them to Dave Bailey, attorney for Mason County Title Company to be finished and recorded. Richard thought that we could have a “signing party” at the January meeting as a way of celebrating the conclusion of the project to transfer the HCIC land to the NCCU. Charles Johnson asked to be notified when the documents have been recorded so that he can cancel the club’s insurance policy for the land. Val Johnson said we should all give Ed Binder a big round of applause (which we did) for his unwavering shepherding of the project from beginning to end. Everyone expressed their appreciation to Ed for the fine job he has done.

Richard reported on the S.R.106 signs we intend to have created for eastbound and westbound traffic that will alert travelers to the Dalby Waterwheel. He said that Mason County won’t allow any sign to be placed in a drainage ditch, so we will have to look for a place that will be visible and on higher ground for the signs for the eastbound traffic. He said that Brian McGinnis had already given permission for a sign to be placed on Alderbrook property for westbound travelers, so a small group of volunteers will search out a good site to place the eastbound sign. We have already voted to complete this project, so once a good location is determined, we will proceed to have the signs fabricated and placed.

New Business:

Hood Canal School Principal Tom Churchill is sending Richard information about the school levy scheduled for a vote in February 2010, and would like an opportunity to speak to the club on the issues pertinent to the levy. He wanted it to be clear that he is not taking a position of advocacy for or against the levy, but would like the chance to discuss it with us. Richard will see if he can speak to the group at the January meeting.

Pastor Terry Oliver said that NCCU parishoner Barbara Kreloch is in the southwest taking natural treatments for cancer, and plans to be there for a few months, hoping that it will improve her situation.

Betty Woods said that she had sent a get-well card to Henry Biernacki, who will be released from Mason General Hospital on Wednesday, and a sympathy card to Pat Orr whose brother Byron Winne recently passed away.

Val Johnson asked if the members had had a chance to see the new HCIC blog, and inquired if people who had requested the minutes be emailed to them would be okay with reading them on the blog instead. As there was no response she will continue emailing the minutes to those who have requested them to be sent.

President McArthur asked for people to volunteer to host the January meeting and Bill Viger, Ed Binder, Richard and Jolene McArthur volunteered, and were sincerely thanked. Richard thanked our evening’s hosts Ed Binder, Terry Oliver, Richard and Jolene McArthur who pinch-hitted for the Biernackis when Henry took ill over the weekend.

As there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Johnson


Saturday, November 7, 2009





The meeting of the Hood Canal Improvement Club was called to order at 7:10 p.m. President McArthur led us in the Pledge of Allegiance and then introduced our guest speaker for the evening, Bill Allen. Mr Allen spoke to us about his concerns with the Webb Hill Bio-Recycling Station and how the septic dumping might have an effect on the watershed, including Hood Canal. He gave us an update on the progress that has been made in monitoring the test wells and said that the site has been improved and passed inspection. He also spoke about the Skokomish River pollution problem when many hundreds of fishermen visited our area and polluted the river in the process of catching salmon. He advised us to become involved in the process of overseeing our waterways and watershed and invited HCIC member Constance Ibsen, who has been a member of WRIA 16 for many years, to add some comments. For further information, please contact Bill Allen at or 425.885.4489. The Improvement Club sincerely thanked Mr. Allen for his very informative and interesting talk.

The business meeting was conducted by President McArthur and included the following items:

The minutes from the September 2009 meeting were approved as presented.

The Treasurer’s report from September 2009 was approved as presented.

Dalby Road Land Donation Committee: Ed Binder reported that there will be a joint meeting of HCIC and NCCU committee members to complete the land transfer process on November 11 at 3pm at the NCCU office.

Old Business:

Richard reported that the Audit Committe presented its report at the September meeting, and with recommendations regarding a couple of details to change before next year’s audit, overall the committee was pleased with the Treasurer’s handling of the Club’s funds. Many thanks to the Audit Committee members for performing this valuable service to all.

Richard reported that the Waterwheel Road Signage project has been stalled, but he will have information at the December meeting. He told us that we do have permission to place a sign on Alderbrook land and the sign coming from the west should be no problem to place.

New Business:

Hood Canal School is looking for volunteers to help students read and learn math - only 1 hour per week is needed in order to volunteer. Betty Woods reported that if they don’t have at least 14 volunteers, their grant money for this project will be in jeopardy, so Richard encouraged anyone who can to volunteer. He also said that Andrea Close who heads up this program for the school is going to come to the December meeting and speak to the members.

Val Johnson asked if the members would like to have her set up a “blog” for the club and received a positive response. She will get it set up and notify everyone via email. On the blog can be information about upcoming meetings, last minute updates, events, and minutes can be posted. When visiting the blog, everyone will have the opportunity to register as a “follower” of the blog, and should then receive an automatic email notice when the blog is updated.

President McArthur requested approval from the members for reimbursement of expenses he has incurred for paper plates, dry-erase pens and miscellaneous. The members voted their approval.

President McArthur asked for people to volunteer to help Terry Oliver host the December meeting and Ed Binder and Jolene McArthur volunteered, and were sincerely thanked. Richard thanked our evening’s hosts, Mike Jensen, Jerry Burger, Tom Darling and Karen Burger for the thoughful table decorations.

Jolene McArthur handled the sale of the 50/50 raffle and the winner of the evening’s pot was Charles Johnson, who donated the $16.00 he won to the Food Bank. Thanks to both of them!

Mike Jensen moved that everyone help put up the chairs and tables - the meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Valerie Johnson


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Welcome to the Hood Canal Improvement Club Blog

Welcome to the Hood Canal Improvement Club in Mason County, Washington. We'll post upcoming events at future meetings, any last minute updates, and the minutes of our meetings. Please visit this page often and sign up as a "follower" of the blog.